The BioEnergetic Assessment (also known as EAV-Electro Acupuncture According to Voll) is non-invasive and measures a network of energy channels in the body called meridians. Meridian points, some of which correlate to the acupuncture points, are used to assess the body’s own autonomic response. Information gathered during your assessment is done in combination with modern technology, electronic engineering and the time-proven sciences of acupuncture and homeopathy.
During the assessment, measurements of specific meridian points are assessed on the hands and feet. A small stylus probe is used in taking measurements, no needles are used. Different organs are said to be associated with each meridian point and health problems are believed to manifest themselves as energetic disturbances in the associated meridian points. Once areas of stress are identified, the assessment process continues to find the root cause of stress and the best means to support, strengthen and eliminate it based on your body's individual needs. The assessment offers options in helping you reclaim your health and life’s passion with proper guidance and tools in dealing with Common Issues that can be supported with a personalized natural approach. |
IntakePrior to your first appointment you will fill out a health questionnaire and consent forms which you'll bring or send prior to your first appointment. You and the practitioner will review your forms as well as discuss the status of your current and past health concerns. The first phase of the assessment is obtaining a baseline of where there is implied stress in your body.
DiscoveryIf the assessment suggests stress, it can point to potential toxins, infections and deficiencies in your body. The assessment further gathers information as to where in the body these potential toxins, infections and deficiencies may be located. Once all of the information has been gathered, you and your practitioner will discuss how these potential toxins, infections and deficiencies may have manifested in your body.
Action PlanTo reclaim one’s health, the body may need additional support to strengthen deficiencies or to eliminate potential toxins and/or infections. Action plans offered by your practitioner could include supplements, homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies as well as dietary changes based on your individual needs.
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Our MissionOur mission is to liberate and raise consciousness through education, innovation and natural therapies. We incorporate ancient wisdom and technology through our personalized approach that assist in discovering root cause of dysfunction in the body and restoring the body back to health.
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